His Word Revealed

God provides “general” revelation (evidence) of himself to all humanity through the witness and experience of his creation without partiality. He also grants “special” revelation to his elect through:

  • Events in Nature & Human History (e.g., Exodus 14, Jos 10:1-15, Mt 14:22-33).
  • Holy Scripture written by men who were led and inspired by God (2 Tim 3:16-17, 2 Pt 1:20-21).

In Part 2 of this Psalm devotional, David declares, “The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul;” (v7). The Christian can affirm this truth, because such a word is “transformative” (i.e. reviving the soul) as it is the revelation of Jesus Christ himself. David’s confidence was drawn from experiencing a God in both ways who manifested sovereignty, and authority over all things in his life. Such knowledge produced reverence and humility in David as he asked God, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight” (v14). How does David’s description of these truths about God impact his confession and prayer request in this Psalm?

The Word grants enlightenment that produces joy. David says, “the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;…” (v8). Through the Spirit, God reveals to his people his will, wisdom and understanding of his commands. One who delights in the word of God, he fills with joy (Ps 1:2-3, 119:97-98).

The Word grants reverence that produces obedience. God’s law is clean (pure), true, and righteous declares David. Embedded within his commands is the mercy and kindness of God that strengthens our ability to obey. This truth reveals the following: God has drawn us to himself out of his manifested love, by which we respond in obedience through love for him (Jn 14:15, cf. Jer 31:3).

The Word is more precious than all the riches of this life. Like story of merchant who searched diligently for a precious pearl, found it, and sold all he possessed to acquire it (Mt 13:45-46), so also does David highlight the great value of Gods’ word, “More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter than honey and drippings of the honeycomb” (v10). God’s word is our most prized possession because it provides warnings (so we can see the sin and blinds spots in our lives) and receive the compensation of a fruitful life in God when we submit to it, thus David exhortation, “…in keeping them there is great reward” (v11). Most importantly, it is a divine letter to his creation that we may come to know our Creator through Jesus Christ.

Trusting and believing in these truths will lead us to confession and the type of prayers that God delights in answering, “Lord, create in me a clean heart and expose the sins in my life. Forgive me, and grant me the desire to forgive others as I have been forgiven. Do not forsake me, but keep me from evil.” We can rejoice as David did, because our loving Heavenly Father answered all these prayers through our Rock and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.


Dr. Jason S. Price, Th.D
