God gives his people victory now and in eternity. This truth is the setting for this Psalm as David rejoices in the Lord because he had experienced his triumphal power at work in response to his steadfast faith in him. David sings the following praises of God:
God gave him his heart’s desires (v2-3). David exalts the abundant goodness of God. He not only gave him victory over his enemies, but he fulfilled his promise to establish him as king of all of Israel, thus he says, “…For you meet him with rich blessings; you set a crown of fine gold upon his head” (v3). Remember, about 10 years passed between his anointing (1 Sam 16) and actual installation as king.
Reflection: The Bible teaches that God hears the prayers of his people. Further, we are assured that he answers all our prayers according to his will. When we pursue his kingdom, place our faith in his character and trust in his truth, he gives us the desires of our heart (Mt 6:33). David’s life is instructional for the Christian in the importance of patiently waiting on God. We often get weary in waiting because it seems God is taking longer than we like in delivering on his promise. We must strive against unbelief and minister the truth of God’s word to ourselves daily. The holy scriptures strengthen our faith and fortify our assurance in God.
God preserved his life (v4-7). David, continuing to speak in 3rd person, says of himself, “He asked life of you; you gave it to him, length of days forever and ever”(v4). God sustained David’s life in his many battles, but also granted him eternal life. Verse 6 reinforces his understanding of this promise as he declares, “For you make him most blessed forever; you make him glad with joy of your presence.”
Reflection: It is by the blood stained cross and the resurrection power exalted by an empty tomb that the Father fights our battles and preserves our lives in Christ Jesus. When we place our trust in his character and timing, God rewards us to experience a display of his unchanging devotion and unfailing love showered upon his people. David declares, “For the king trusts in the Lord, and through the steadfast love of the Most High he shall not be moved” (v7). Though we endure persecution and slander for being named with Jesus; though our good is sometimes repaid with evil & indifference; though sicknesses, and mental/emotional struggles afflict us; and though waiting for the eternal promise of God can weary us, we shall not be tossed to and fro, nor be overcome by any of these things. Why? Because when we build our life on Jesus, we shall not be moved when the winds of life blow on us, and the waves underneath and around us shake us (Mt 7:24-27). We rejoice that one day this fallen life will be put to end in the new creation. For this we join David in singing the praises of God, as his heart opened this Psalm, “O Lord, in your strength the king rejoices, and in your salvation how greatly he exults!” (v1).
Rejoice in the Lord’s goodness today that is gifted to us now and forevermore in Christ Jesus.
Dr. Jason S. Price, Th.D