Why Worship?

True worship is anchored on the steadfast love of God. Out of gratitude we give thanks to Him for his faithfulness we experience daily. New melodies of praise should spring forth from our hearts. However, if we are honest, there are days (even seasons) when our affections for God is as stale as an old bag of chips. In our human condition, a life raft of thankfulness, can be drowned in a sea of troubles under the weight of a complaining spirit. Sometimes, we need to recall what we know about God. We need to remember………..why we live a life of worship to Him. The Psalmist offer the following praise worthy truths:

God is true and faithful (v4-5). He is righteous; therefore, his word and will can be relied upon. He has a immeasurable love for what is right, thus, “For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness” (v4). Trust is predicated on character. If we can place our faith in a imperfect human being because we believe they will do the right things for the right reasons, how much more should we trust our infallible God? Remember, error and miscalculation does not abide in him, “This God – his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him” (Ps 18:30).

God is all powerful and purposed in his will (v6-9). The story of creation affirms this truth (Gen 1). His word accomplishes his will, thus the Psalmist says, “By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host” (v6). As we say in our culture, we can take his word to the bank. His commands (like rain from heaven that waters the ground) descends down into the earth will not return to him void, but will shall accomplish his purposes (cf., Isa 55:10-11).

God will have the last say (v10-12). Though the nations stand in contempt and rage against God and his Anointed One, their plots shall not succeed. Remember, God is all knowing (omniscient) and near in all places at all times (omnipresent). Evil schemes devised in secret rooms, are all heard by God in the open air and seen as in the sunlight of the day (Heb 4:13). Therefore, the Psalmist encourage us with this promise, “The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples” (v10). This is cause for rejoicing! Though we are called to patiently endure the trials of this life for his name sake………..though the Christian can suffer the enemies of God who can destroy our bodies and earthly livelihoods……..our trust is in HIM who preserves our eternal life and can reserves our enemies souls to hell. It is God whom we should fear, not man.

God will have the last say. Only his counsel will stand. Only his will will ultimately prevail. We are Gods’ possession. We are his heritage and therefore we worship him! Remember, praise befits the upright. Amen.


Dr. Jason S. Price, Th.D.
