Our Unchanging Light, Part 2

God is not the author of confusion, nor instigator of evil. James teaches that the testing of our faith includes enduring temptations. Though God allows them, he is not source of them. Such evil comes from the devil. We can be overtaken by them when we obey our sinful nature, thus James exhorts, “But each is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire” (v14). In contrast, God brings blessings into our lives. He is the source of all that is perfect and holy, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above…” (v17). God is the fountain of all that is good. He not only provides universal common grace to all creation (cf. Acts 17:24-25), but extends covenantal grace only to his children (i.e., believers) that is both of spiritual and material nature. Why does He do this? James states that it is rooted in his immutable character. He is the, “Father of Lights.” What does this description inform us about God? Here are few wonderful thoughts I want to share with you this week.

God is true. He is the ultimate author of light (1 Jn 1:5). In Him there is no changes to his brightness or clarity. This is why James focuses the reader to the heavens. There we able to see the glory of the brilliant sun light (by day) and the moon (by night). These heavenly light bearers that are reminders of the glory of God who is light, for no darkness is in him. His radiance demonstrates his holiness, goodness, love, integrity, and unchangeableness.

God is steadfast. The description of “Father of Lights” is used by James to illustrate Gods absolute stability. Though nature is subject to variation and change, God is not, thus James declares of Him, “…with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”

Holding fast to these truths are essential in enduring test of faith. This is the reason James stresses that we understand who God is and what benefits we receive from him. In times of trial, it is vital to know where out help comes from (Ps 121:1-2). For all temptation requires God’s aid if we are endure and pass the test. Amen.


Dr. Jason S. Price, Th.D. 
