Trust Not Yourself

There are two roads by which a person lives. One is a narrow rugged path paved by God that leads to life and peace in Jesus (now and in eternity). The other is an easy broad road which is self led. Multitudes enter and travel this many lane highway that is full of snares which leads to many sorrows and whose final destination is eternal condemnation. We are conditioned by culture from the time we enter grade school to pursue self-sufficiency and self-righteousness according to the ever evolving morals and ethics of human society.

Solomon exhorts the Christian to live completely opposite of this worldly mindset. He reminds us that we are to rely on God-sufficiency and his righteousness through his Word and promises. Essentially all crisis of faith are rooted in a decision to either believe God’s Word, or trust in ourselves (and affirming experiences). Here are three truths Solomon offers that helps us stay on the road of faith.

Depend on God for all things. Do not place your hope in the counsel of your human heart which Bible teaches is desperately wicked (Jer 17:9). Always seek God for guidance and direction.

Trust not in your own earthly understanding of your life and the world. We are to view and interpret all matters of our lives through God’s perspective (His Word). Remember, our experiences and point of view does not trump Scripture. Like a handicapped person who will lean on a wall to help them stand straight, we should not place the weight on our lives on human wisdom and insights. It will always fail and buckle under us when we least expect it resulting in injury to ourselves and others around us. Many things shall come to knock us down in life. But if God is our foundation and authority for all truth, He will keep us rooted and firm to withstand the swirling storms of life (cf., Mt 7:24-27).

Acknowledge God in all things. Solomon exhorts us to submit God and He will guide us by his wisdom and power through life to our final destination of eternal salvation. Only on His narrow path of righteousness can we experience a God that will, “…make straight your paths…” (v6).

The question we must daily ask ourselves is do we want a fruitful relationship with God by which He is glorified in our lives? If so, we must heed Solomon’s words to us. We must flee the thought that we are wise independent of the revelation of God. Instead, let us be as fools and seek Him that we may receive what we need to live a life godly in Him. How we “Trust in the Lord” will always be evident by which road of life we travel. Amen.


Dr. Jason S. Price, Th.D.