There is a cost to following Jesus. Each person must decide to forsake a self-led life in pursuit of earthly goods, gold, and glory in exchange for a life of obedience to God in service to his Gospel. As a result, Jesus teaches that selfish ambition must be renounced if one truly desires to be his disciple, (Lk 9:23), “And he said to all, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”
This statement causes much offense to our human disposition. Because we are sinful by nature and hostile to God’s Word (Rom 8:7,1 Cor 2:14), we desire to provide salvation for ourselves through our own pursuits of material possessions, pleasures, prestige and fame. We are indoctrinated from the time we are in elementary school that to acquire these things shall gift us inner peace and satisfaction. Many discover the opposite is true. The most wealthy and famous people in societies are often the most miserable and empty. To live in this way, will cost us the loss of our souls, thus, “For whoever will save his life will lose it…”
What then is the answer to our present predicament? God the Father has provided our way of escape from such an end through his Son, Jesus Christ. Like a person’s life being taken on a cross, we put to death our way of life (and thinking) in exchange for his, thus Jesus continues, “…but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. (25) For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself?”
In other words, a person who offers his life to Jesus saves his soul. A Christ-led life overflows with the peace of God, assurance, and finds strength through contentment in whatever God provides in an earthly life (Phi 4:10-13). We shall experience joy in serving others as we at the same time are being helped in our own souls. Such a person avoids the ruinous end of selfish ambitions that ensnares multitudes and leads to many sorrows (1 Tim 6:9-10, Mt 13:22). Remember, Solomon, who was the wealthiest man who ever lived, warned, (Ecc 5:10), “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity.”
Jesus is our rescue and calls you to himself. Forsake your self-centered life that you may not forfeit your eternal soul. Embrace a life in Christ where you shall experience true riches forevermore that only God can provide now and in eternity. Finally, let us learn from the story Jesus tells of the “Rich Man & Lazarus” (Lk 16:19-31) as a cautionary tale of the importance of this truth.
May God be the truth and the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Dr. Jason S. Price, Th.D.