Children of the Light

The Second Coming of our Lord can occur at any moment. Jesus also taught (Mt 24:36), “But concerning the day and the hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.” He will return to judge the living and the dead. In light of this Biblical truth, how is the Christian to live until his appearing? Answering this question is the goal of Paul’s exhortations here, that we may be prepared (having lived a faithful life) to receive Jesus when he returns. Paul teaches the following:

“But since we belong to the day…” The focus of his instruction is to the Christian. Earlier in this chapter of 1 Thessalonians 5, he reminded the church (v5), “For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of darkness.” In the Bible, “night” is often likened to the realm of darkness and sin. Additionally, it is associated with unbelievers who are spiritually asleep and drunk in their lostness. Paul reminds us that we are of the day (light) as we follow our Lord who is the Light of the World (Jn 8:12). As such, we are called to live with spiritual alertness fueled by righteousness, that when Jesus returns he will find us faithfully living for him and carrying out his mission in the earth (cf., Mt 24:45-51).

“…let us be sober…” This a call to be watchful. We are to be filled with spiritual and moral earnestness in our dutiful living for God. We are called to be like a steward that faithfully manages our master’s estate (and other servants), while serving him with joyful anticipation of his return. In other words, we strive to live according to God’s Word. We do not say within ourselves, My master is delayed. I have plenty of time to get to obeying God’s call for my life. I can live the way I want now, and get to God later.” Remember, he could appear at any moment to whom we must give account of how we stewarded the life he gave us (c.f., Mt 25:14-30).

So how do we live as Christians (children of the day) with thankful expectancy of our Lord’s return. Paul reveals the secret. It is this: Put on Christ righteousness in a our daily living just like when we put on clothes everyday as a necessity of our function in society. He says:

“…put on the breast plate of faith and love.” For a soldier, the breastplate is a protective armor that guards our essential organs to include our hearts. Likewise, Paul’s point is that our faith and love for God in Christ guards our heart from being overtaken by the poisonous arrows of doubt and temptation that could injure us spiritually leading to disobedience through unbelief. Faith and love protects godly desires and convictions that lives in our hearts. It shields us from the ammunition of sinful desires that lead to a sinful lifestyle………that is living as child of the night (Gal 5:16). Simply put, we put on Christ daily.

“…[put on]…for a helmet the hope of salvation.” While we live for Jesus in this life, we do so an anticipation of his return. Why? It is because what he has promised to bring with him for his people. He has saved us now, by which we experience a foretaste (appetizer) of the promise to come. When we returns, we shall experience the fullness of our redemption. What we suffer now, will end. We shall be fully rescued from our sins and the wrath of God. We shall be given a new body to fully enjoy the new creation that Jesus is preparing for us. Our salvation shall include being with Jesus in eternal life where he will (Rev 21:4), “…wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Amen!

Much like the helmet given to soldier that is meant to protect the head, so also does Paul teach us that a life that lives in hope of our salvation guards our minds in Christ Jesus. Hope in our Lord is enduring through all our circumstances. It strengthens our spiritual alertness in the present as we look forward with anticipation and joy of the promises of God for our future. The world is passing away. As Christian this should not surprise or vex us one bit (1 Jn 2:15-17). Keep your eyes on Jesus my friends. He is coming soon.


Dr. Jason S. Price, Th.D.