Jesus Fulfills

Jesus is the only thing in this earth that truly satisfies. It is our natural human inclination to attempt to fulfill a longing for security and significance in earthly things (things created) such as:

  • Goods (our possessions)
  • Gold (our wealth)
  • Glory (our accolades, fame and need to be celebrated by men)

Even if we acquire such desires, we most often discover that these things never truly satisfy the cravings of our heart. In fact, just the opposite. The more we accumulate these earthly things the greater our thirst for them become (like drinking soda instead of water to quench thirst).

Only that which comes from God can fulfills in this life and its source is Jesus. He even taught in his Sermon on the Mount that those who seek him instead of worldly delights experience ultimate rest and satisfaction, thus (Mt 5:6), “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”

In our devotional scripture, the Gospel records what a Samaritan woman experienced on particular day in her encounter with Jesus. She approaches Jacob’s well in the middle of day to fill her water jar. Jesus used her activity of laboring for her earthly need to offer something greater. He says, “whoever drinks of the water that I give him will never be thirsty again…” Here Jesus distinguishes between temporal and eternal fulfillment. In other words:

  • Drinking earthly water cannot prevent future thirst. We shall be experience craving again and again for it, because its ability to satisfy is short lived. In contrast, the spiritual water Christ offers is everlasting because it satisfies our true need. That is God.
  • Drinking earthly water goes into the body and is expelled. It cannot touch the soul and remains outside of it. But Jesus enters our souls on the day salvation by his Spirit and becomes a source of refreshment and satisfaction. His quenching of life’s thirst is so complete, even when we lose earthly things we have labored for, we retain our joy and gladness because Jesus is truly portion in life. Not stuff.
  • Drinking earthly water has limits. There is only so much of it until the well runs dry. Not so with God. Once Jesus is in us, he is unending spring of righteousness that flows through and burst forth out of us. He truly sustains us spiritually because in Him is our salvation and everlasting life.

My friends, place no trust in created things to offer only what the Creator can. Earthly things can satisfy us for moments of time, but it will not last. God has created us to crave what is enduring. The key is, he only provided for us in this area through Jesus Christ. Seek God, not goods, gold and glory. Only Jesus fulfills. Amen!


Dr. Jason S. Price, Th.D.

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