Profitable Wisdom

There is an old societal proverb that says, work smarter, not harder.” It is an earthly wisdom that people tend to embrace as they get older. Why? As a general statement, we no longer possess the strength and endurance to do certain activities as we did in our youth. We often witness this truth with aging athletes past their prime that must use more in-game IQ, rather than raw athletic ability that has declined as they advance into the later years of their professional careers.

Solomon captures this same principle in this verse. The picture is a lumberjack who needs to recognize his ax has gotten dull. Upon this discovery, he has two options if he desires to complete his work:

  • He can ignore the issue and keep chopping wood his own way. The ax will remain dull (unsharpened) and therefore he must exert more energy to complete his task, if he doesn’t wear himself out before.
  • He can embrace wisdom, which would instruct him to stop splitting wood for a moment. Sit and rest on tree stump and take time to sharpen his ax. By doing so, he will be able to chop wood with great efficiency and not waste unneeded energy and time.

Likewise, this principle is instructional to the Christian. In life, when we approach our problems with our own wisdom, we shall waste much of our time and efforts. How many times have you and I ignored God’s wisdom and decided to go our own way? How did that work out for us? Solomon already knew the answer to this (Prv 14:12), “There is a way that seem right to man, but its end is the way of death.” To follow the inclinations of our heart will leaves us exhausted and discouraged like a lumberjack who expends unnecessary energy splitting wood with a dull ax, and not even finishing his task.

Instead, it is God’s wisdom that gives us success in navigating the field of this life. Solomon wants us to learn this from the illustration of the lumberjack. A Christian engages in his daily life with the strength and tools provided by the Lord. In order to be successful, we must pause daily to receive instruction from God’s word (through Bible study, prayer and community church living) that will sharpen our discernment, reveal understanding of God’s will, and renew our strength for the work God has assigned us. We are to become like a lumberjack who sits and take needed moments in the midst of his taskings to sharpen his ax.

The point is this: we need God to succeed in life. The Bible declares of God (Ps 119:105), “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” The Word that he sows in our lives shall succeed in the purpose he sent it (Isa 55:11). We must simply trust God at every step. His wisdom grants us success, for he is always working for our good and his Glory. Amen!


Dr. Jason S. Price, Th.D.