Abiding in Christ

Focus Scripture: John 15:1-11

In the passage of scripture, Jesus uses the imagery of a vineyard to describe the interconnection between the Father, Himself, and the Believer. Jesus is the “True” Vine by which we (the branches) must have union with to have life and bear fruit of God. The Father tends to the branches cutting away those that are fruitless and pruning the others that their ability to yield more fruit may grow.

Through eleven verses, the word “abide” (or remain) is used several times. Jesus intends to communicate that a believer is to persist in a faithful living relationship with God. Simply put, successful abiding with God involves:

  • Learning to WAIT on God.
  • Learning to ENDURE with God without giving up or losing heart.
  • Learning to BEAR patiently with God’s process.
  • Learning to ACCEPT God word without objection, but in faith because we trust completely in him.
  • Learning to be SECURE in who God is and what he has promised.

Let us briefly examine a few questions that will help us explore these principles a little further:

What are the benefits of waiting on God in our life?

We will learn contentment and confident assurance of God’s will in all situations (Rom 8:28, Phi 4:11-13, 1 Tim 6:6-12). God renews and prepares us while waiting patiently within his will (Isa 40:31).

Why is it important to endure trials in our walk with God?

God uses difficulty to grow godly character and faith in us that produces the fruit of holy living (Jam 1:2-4).

How do we bear patiently in this life with God?

One word: Hope. We look “forward” to his promises, his second coming (Jam 5:7). We should pray and meditate on this exhortation, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (Heb 11:1).”

What does it mean to accept God’s word without objection?

We take God at his word. If God says it, we believe it (cf. Lk 5:4-8). Remember, belief does not require full understanding of God and his ways, nor his holy scriptures. Trust is the key. To start, a “mustard seed” size faith (Mt. 13:32-32) is all that is required to trust in the nature of God’s character as clearly demonstrated in his word and creation. God matures us from there. We must be mindful that in comparison to God, we are “finite” and mortal beings. In contrast, God is “infinite”, immortal, and the creator of all things. Like many of the servants in the Bible, they had to learn to trust God at his word, without fully understanding God plan for their future (i.e. Abraham, Moses, etc…).

What does it mean to be secure in who God is and what he promised?

Security in God first starts with salvation in Christ (i.e. eternal security). God has provided atonement for our sin and justification only through Jesus Christ (Eph 2:8-9). After salvation, God assures our salvation by gift of the Spirit he sends to live in us. (Jn 10:28, Rom 8:38-39, Eph 1:11-14). Jesus will return to receive us and give us the promised redemption (1 Th 4:13-18).

The reward of abiding is this: it enables us to grow in keeping the commandments of God and thus enjoying the fellowship of his love. True God glorifying fruit is only possible in oneness with Christ.

(Other suggested scripture readings for further study and reflection: cf. Isaiah 4:2-6, 5:1-7)

Dr. Jason S. Price, Th.D