Ask Of God

When in need of guidance and wisdom, how often is God our first stop? Typically, we will consult our favorite person/group we follow on Facebook. Or we call upon family and friends to poll their opinions. If we are being honest, we sometimes choose people who would give us their perspective that will align with our own desires, like an attorney who court shops to find a judge who would provide a favorable ruling to their case. This strategy will bear no fruit when we approach God. He knows all and sees all, even our desires and motives. The Bible teaches, “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of the soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (13) And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account” (Heb 4:12-13). While we may fear that God may not grant us our hearts desires, or we may hear truth we may not want to bear, David’s example as he comes to God for both instruction and forgiveness of sins is the model we should always follow. In seeking God, we will prosper in him, that is a promise. Here are key things David seeks God for that should be integral to our own prayer life.

He sought God’s guidance (v4-5). He asks of God, “Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. (5) Lead me in your truth and teach me.” To desire to know what God has to say on matters of our life and be led by him is the fruit of his Spirit working from within. We should always want God to instruct and teach us how to live out his truth. Why? In his truth, is true freedom (Jn 8:32). His Word is without blemish and serves as a life-preserving raft in a world drowning in lies and deceptions that attack us, “Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him” (Prv 30:5). Because of this, we can trust that God will never lead us astray. To obey his truth safeguards our life. Those who hate God’s instruction despise themselves and walk the path of death (Prv 8:32-36).

He was not ashamed to seek Gods’ forgiveness (v6-7). David had experienced Gods’ mercy in all of his life. This gave him boldness to come before his throne of grace and ask for the help (forgiveness) he needed. He was confident that God not only forgave his present sins, but those of the past, thus he prays, “…Remember not the sins of my youth or my transgressions;” He appeals to Gods’ steadfast love. Dear Christian, never cease confession daily before God, as he has given it to us as a means of grace. Trust that through the works of Jesus, God has forgiven you based on HIS goodness and not our own (for apart from Christ we possess none).

We can appeal to God to remember his faithfulness, knowing that he would never cast us out of his sight for our unfaithfulness. David declares elsewhere, “…as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgression from us” (Ps 103:12). Trust God and go to him for all things. Let us take the disposition of the unwise before God, that he will make us wise. Let us carry our shame (of sin) directly before his feet, for only he can remove it from us and cleanse of all unrighteousness.

Trust God with all matters of the heart. Only he can steer us in the right direction. His instructions always lead directly back to him. May he be glorified!


Dr. Jason S. Price, Th.D.