Conquering Love

How can two walk together other than by agreement? More specifically, how can the saints do life and labor together in the Gospel if hatred is present? Solomon rightly reveals the stark contrast between hatred and love by what they produce within a fellowship of people:

  • Hatred produces discord (dissensions).
  • Love produces peace in God and towards one another.

The point is, just as hatred causes significant fragments and divisions in society, so it also disrupts (and destroys) good order within the assembly of the saints and our relationships with one another. The root of all strife is bitter disagreements that are engaged in with a posture of pride. The only way to restore peace and love between us is to model the love of Christ towards his people. Though our sins deserve eternal death, his love covers our many transgressions and thus grants us everlasting life and peace.

His love “covers” us with the garments of forgiveness. His love covers our many faults and imperfections with patience, and kindness. His love is not envious nor boastful. It is not arrogant or rude. For example, when we chose to love over hate, we will not insist on having everything our way which will put out the flames of bitterness (strife). We will resist keeping records (or as the world says, “receipts”) of the things people have done wrong to us. We shall remember that by the cross, God has wiped the records of all our sins away to be remembered no more (Ps 32:1-2, Heb 8:12).

This type of love covers overs those matters in our relationships that cause friction. It “covers” as defined in the Hebrew word “כּסה” (transliteration: kâsâh), which describes a love that clothes over, conceals, hides, overwhelms things that cause dissension such as our offenses against one another. Love conquers all by bearing all things, believing all things, hoping through all things and enduring all things for the sake of Christ (1 Cor 13). It is this type of love that has the power to restore peace and unity with one another.

Let us pray daily that God give us this type of love from the Spirit for one another. Amen.


Dr. Jason S. Price, Th.D.

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