Temptations will test our faith. The Bible assures the Christian that God is our help to strengthen us under its attacks and provide a way of escape (1 Cor 10:13). Even our Lord endured the allurements of the devil in the wilderness (Lk 4). He trusted in the Word of God to defend himself. He was armed with truth that shined a light on the deception and lies that temptation endeavors to hide from us. Jesus is our model of how to engage in warfare against such devices of a crafty enemy. Additionally, here are some biblical truths about temptation that James exhorts.
God does not tempt, but rather the devil. James says, “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am being tempted by God,’ for God cannot be tempted with evil and he himself tempts no one” (v13). Remember, God is Holy and has no fellowship with works and instruments of darkness. Though he allows temptation, he does not place it in our lives.
God provides all we need to endure and flee. If we trust in the Word, we will be victorious in overcoming the devil’s enticements to which God gets all the glory. However, if we succumb to temptation, we bear sole responsibility and the credit. James teaches that when a person yields to their own desires, it triggers the downward spiral into sin and the resultant shame, thus, “…each person is tempted when he is lured by his own desires. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown bring forth death” (v14-15).
How do we overcome temptation? What provision has the Father given his children to win this fight of faith with? His Spirit. Paul highlights the promise from God: When we (instead) yield to the Spirit’s leading we will not fulfill the sinful desires of our fallen nature, for he exhorts, “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh” (Gal 5:16). In all temptations two paths of decision are put before us. Our choice in those moments are ultimately decided by how we pray through two questions:
- Who do we trust more, God or ourselves?
- Is there more fulfillment in obedience to God or my own desires?
What we love (more) will be the deciding factor in the path of decision we shall walk. This is the reason why daily growth in our relationship with God is critical in the fight of faith. Spiritual maturity accompanies knowing God through fellowship in his Word (and the saints) and prayer by which will bear the fruit of faith in our lifestyles. As our walk with God deepens and matures, so will our love for Him. It is godly affections that helps us overcome in the midst of temptation. It is godly affections that strengthens our focus towards Christ and away from the allurements of the devil. Remember, Jesus is our model. We will follow and abide in what we love. Where our treasure is, there our heart will also be. Here is truth: temptation is a heart inspector.
Dr. Jason S. Price, Th.D.
We need to keep in prayer daily. If we leave the evil one just one hair of space,he will throw in temptation,s ,doubts and bad thoughts. Amen
Amen Richard.