The Value of Wisdom

Wisdom needed to navigate this life can often come from many places. We can receive this insightful nectar of creation from words spoken to us, things we experience, and our observation of the world and people around us. Wisdom is essential if we are to have a fruitful life.

However, mere possession of wisdom is insufficient. Its source is also of upmost importance. To be clear, there is everyday pragmatic knowledge that is available to all of mankind in the earth (i.e., how to cook a meal, tie shoes, change a tire, etc…). This is not the subject of our devotional this week. The wisdom that is our focus is that which informs our worldview, guides our hearts and shapes our understanding of God and our existence. Unfortunately, there are many competing false teachers (so called guru’s) in the world attempting to influence the direction of our lives with lies as they offer counterfeit hope.

There is good news! The Christian as access to true wisdom. The Bible teaches us that its sole source and author is God alone. Not only that, his Son (Jesus) was (and is) the full embodiment and glory of this truth (Jn 14:6). To be considered wise according to the Scriptures such person must first fear (revere) the God of the Bible and embraces the truth of Jesus Christ (cf., Prv 9:10). Further, to possess such wisdom benefits us in these ways:

  • God’s wisdom is more valuable than the precious jewels of the earth.
  • God’s wisdom facilitates a profitable life.
  • God’s wisdom comes packaged with heaven’s peace that sustains us in all earthly circumstances.
  • God’s wisdom it is life giving, rather than man’s truth that is deceptive and soul degrading.

This is why Solomon reminds us in our devotional text that it is better to heed the words of those God has made wise in a quiet, rather than the loud boasting and proclaiming of fools who have rejected his wisdom.

How are we to apply these truths to our lives? Settle your anxious heart over how to make a decision by seeking God. He is not found in the mouths of the bragging, pretentious, and proud. He is not found in the raging winds, earthquakes and prevailing fires of our lives. No, he is in the small still voice of the Spirit of those who call on his name (1 Kgs 19:11-13). Therefore, let us resist folly that masquerades around as wisdom that could destroy much good in our lives. Amen.


Dr. Jason S. Price, Th.D.