Victorious Peace

Faith is the vehicle drives us towards Jesus. He is the only door that gives us access to the peace of God that can thrive and endure within a world of troubles. This is the promise Jesus offers his disciples on his last evening (Thursday) together had with them as he instituted the sacrament of the Lord’s supper. They did not simply dine on wine and bread, by they were fed by the Word of Life (1 Jn 1:1). He spoke prophetically about what was to come in effort to strengthen their faith. In our focus verse, Jesus concludes his final discourse of teaching to them by saying, “I have said these things to you…” In other words:

  • He has remind them he came from our Heavenly Father.
  • He has told them he is leaving them (returning to his Father), but with the purpose to prepare heavenly dwellings for his people in the new creation.
  • He has assured them he is not abandoning them, but will send his Spirit to help them live for him in their earthly lives, thus (Jn 14:16-17), “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, (17) even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.”
  • He has warned them of the world’s hatred of his followers. The Christian can expect tribulations because of our relation and association with our Master whom unbelievers despise.
  • He even revealed to them there was one among the 12 that would betray him, which would (later) aide in his arrest by the religious elites.

Many of “these things” which the disciples heard stirred great sorrow and grief within them. How can they endure this life without their beloved Lord? How can they have peace on earth without him walking in human form with them? Jesus revealed the answer, “…I have overcome the world.” Jesus conquered the reviling of man for the Gospel sake. He was victorious over them through obedience to his Father even to the point of (and through) death. The unholy alliance of the Jewish religious elites and Roman government thought they had put him to end on the cross. Here is the truth: he was not simply victorious over them by the rising from the grave. But for his people, he overcame sin and death itself (1 Cor 15:55-57) as he prophesied he would! He endured to the end and carried out his Father’s plan.

Because he was victorious, so are we! We have nothing to fear in this life because Jesus made it through and endured to the next life (cf., Ps 118:5-7). If we can trust him for all “these things” he has already done for us, we can take him at his word when he spoke of his return to gather his people to himself (Jn 14:1-3). My friends, these are the reasons to rejoice and be of good cheer, just as he told his disciples on that Thursday evening in the upper room, But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

As Christians we shall experience our share of trials and tribulations in this life due the Gospel and our identity in Jesus. Remember, our Lord teaches us to expect this. Let us rejoice because our faith is built on truth which is rooted in the sovereignty of God. Jesus has done exactly as he said, and will fulfill what he prophesied of the future. It is the confidence we have in Jesus which gifts us the peace of God that surpasses all earthly understanding. It helps us navigate and endure our personal lives and mission work of the Gospel to his glory. Why? Because he promised us something better. And because he conquered, we already possess victory in him! In the midst of our trials, let us give him praise and glory, because he is God, and he will do what he said. Just look at the cross and the empty tomb! Amen.


Dr. Jason S. Price, Th.D.